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  • Welcome to SIM Demon, the go-to place for all your flight and racing SIM needs. We stock all the amazing products that Prosimu, Simucube, Fanatec, MOZA Racing have to offer plus many more and have our own range of tailored PC Systems. From our UK HQ in Tiverton, Devon, we demo, build, dispatch and support our ever-growing customer base and alongside our retail business we also offer services such as installations and a chance to try out some of the products in our Sim Centre Showroom.

    Our predecessor Simtech Racing was formed back in 2016 due to the lack of dedicated UK support for sim racing enthusiasts.

  • From the onset, our mission was to not only provide sim racers with the best hardware available but to also give friendly advice to fellow enthusiasts and full customer support for every product we sold. In 2023 we still have the same mission, only now SIM Demon's aims are to deliver products for both the racing and flying market. Our small team has a passion for planes, cars and all things technical, F1, Rally, Drones and 3D and Resin printing and our team works tirelessly to deliver the best service possible.

    We look forward to supplying you with the best products and customer service to make your sim setup EPIC!

  • SIM Demon HQ
    Unit 6, Cedar Court, Tiverton, Devon, EX16 6GT
    T: 01398 310 072 | E:

    Opening times: Monday to Friday 9.00am - 5.30pm

  • SIM Demon SIM Centre
    Unit 1, Cedar Court, Tiverton, Devon, EX16 6GT
    E: | W:

    Opening times: Please visit our dedicated website for opening times