Coming Soon! Leoxz XF1-Sport Steering Wheel
The XF1-Sport wheel features a grip diameter of 275mm with excellent ergonomics and the ability to simulate F1 and GT driving, 4.3 IPS Screen, 15 buttons, 2 thumb encoders, 5-way Switch, 3 pushable encoders and up to 6 paddles* can be selected, including 2 paddle shifters and 4 axle paddles - so you won't be short on section options!
* Available in three different variants:
Shifter Only / Shifter & Clutch / Shifter & Clutch & Option
Compatible with a wide range of Direct Drives from:
Simucube, OSW, Accuforce, Fanatec, Simagic and Moza
Our first wheel has just arrived with an unboxing to follow :) Further stock is also on its way to us so watch this space!