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BTCC Brands Hatch Race Weekend

BTCC Brands Hatch Race Weekend

Team Demon |

SD Secondary Logo RGB 150

> NEWS. 

BTCC Brands Hatch

(Rounds 4, 5 & 6)

A few pictures of the recent Brands Hatch BTCC event. With our rig being so popular there are very few! Brilliant racing as ever and the fastest time on our virtual BTCC rig was 47.724, set by Bobby Thompson. Also, a big well done to Scott Thorne at 48.771 who was the fastest outside the team.

Brands Hatch SIM DEMON
Brands Hatch SIM DEMON
Brands Hatch SIM DEMON
Brands Hatch SIM DEMON
Brands Hatch SIM DEMON
Brands Hatch SIM DEMON